The Presbyterian Church of Coshocton - Job Openings

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Worship Leader at Midland Park Christian Reformed Church MPCRC is seeking a part-time Worship Team Leader to join its staff for 10 hours a week. Collaborate with pastor and worship coordinator to select congregational songs and any "special" music (i.e., prelude, offering, communion, etc.) for two Sundays per month that the ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


07-27-2023    Part Time

Beloit First Christian Church is seeking the man of God's calling as our full-time Associate Pastor of Youth and Adult Discipleship. We are looking for someone who loves God and people and is able to connect with, students (grades 7 – 12), parents, and other adults to make and grow disciples for Jesus Christ.The Associate Pastor of Youth & Adult Dis....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified


05-18-2024    Full Time

APPLY HERE: the Senior Pastor:Coshocton Presbyterian Church is seeking a Senior Pastor who has a deep passion for the Lord, for the Bible, and views consistent with those of the Presbyterian Church USA. The Senior Pastor, as a minister of the Gospel, shall be devo....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified

08-31-2022    Full Time

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