Mitchell Community Church - Job Openings

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This worship leader position is one that oversees and directs the Contemporary Worship experience in the Church. This person will recruit, equip, and lead the contemporary worship leaders and teams and collaboratively implement the church's mission, vision, values, and strategy. This person would be expected to have a high level of musical talents, have....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

United Methodist

11-15-2021    Part Time

We have a call that every youth in our Coastside community has an opportunity to hear the message of Jesus Christ. Our Family Pastor will help fulfill that calling by creating opportunities, developing sustainable ministries, equipping parents and volunteers and championing the vision to bring Jesus to children, youth and parents. Scope: Create lead....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


01-09-2024    Full Time

Mitchell Community Church Full Time Youth Pastor Job Description We are seeking an experienced spiritual leader who is called to and desires to build young disciples (6th-12th grade primarily along with college age) of Christ through Biblical teaching, worship, discipleship, missions, and outreach. This individual must be personally pursuing a maturi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


04-18-2024    Full Time

Job Details

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