Family Church - Job Openings

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The New Market Christian Church is currently seeking a Part-time, Senior Pastor. Our job description and beliefs are as follows: The pastor is called by God and by New Market Christian Church (NMCC) to lead the congregation in fulfilling its mission, "Serve God, Love People, Make Disciples". The Pastor shall be: * A deeply devoted follower of Je....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Christian Church

08-21-2023    Part Time

The Senior Pastor of Heritage Fellowship Church (H1743) must have passion and an excitement for the Lord. Prayer must be an essential focus for this individual, along with a dependence on the Holy Spirit to guide and direct the ministry of Heritage Fellowship Church. This individual's daily life must also reflect the joy of the Lord.The Senior....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:


06-01-2022    Full Time

Minister to Children and Families Overview: Under general supervision, this position is responsible for assisting the Pastor to Children & Families and the Campus Pastor in managing and overseeing the ministries and office operations of the Campus Kids Ministry. Reports Directly to: Campus PastorMatrix Leade....more

2000 - 5000

Worship Style:
Not Specified


08-19-2021    Full Time

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