Church of Christ of West Chester - Job Openings

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Church Mission/Vision Statement:The mission of our church family is to give glory to God and share His grace and love throughout our community and the world. Our vision is to provide an atmosphere where people can joyfully experience the grace of God. We know what God wants of us today. It is the same thing He wanted in the year 2000 or in the year 1000....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

11-16-2023    Full Time

Hampton Bays UMC is seeking to hire a Worship Director. This is a paid position. Looking for someone to lead worship every Sunday, and oversee all the music in the Church. Must have a heart for the Lord, and be able to do both contemporary and traditional worship. Looking to fill immediately. If interested, please email Pastor Kenny McQuiller - ken.mcq....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

United Methodist

07-28-2021    Part Time

The Church of Christ of West Chester is a non-denominational church based on the Gospel's of Christ. We are founded and incorporated in 1954. We are a 501C Public Charity as a church. Independent and self-sustained by the mercy and grace of God and the body of Christ. We are multi-cultural church with an average attendance of 30 baptized souls. We ga....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Church of Christ

02-08-2023    Part Time

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