Church On The Rock - Job Openings

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Pastoral Job Overview       The Senior Pastor / Lead Elder provides overall leadership in the church. Full Time with Benefits (Medical / Retirement / Resource Allowance / Housing Allowance – No parsonage) The Big Picture Grace Bible Church ( is seeking a full-time Senior Pastor / Lead Elder. Founded in 1975, Grace Bible Church i....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Bible Church

10-26-2023    Full Time

We are seeking a strong Wesleyan-based Senior Pastor to oversee church operations as well as to guide our volunteer workforce as you lead our congregation in mission and vision. As both Pastor and Administrator, you will work with our Staff-Parish Relations Committee to monitor and maintain goals and procedures needed for office staff and volunteers to ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-26-2024    Full Time

We are looking for a bi-vocational youth pastor to work with our students at Church On The Rock. We are a growing church that recently moved into a new building. Our hope is that, as we grow, this will turn into a full-time position. Responsibilities:Participating in the life of the church.Leading youth services. Leading youth outreaches. Leading yout....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


03-02-2023    Part Time

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