Calvary Christian Center - Job Openings

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Heaton Christian Church is seeking a Senior Pastor to serve all pastoral duties. The Senior Pastor will be appointed for an indefinite period of time by the church Elders, with confirmation by the congregation. Heaton Christian Church is a small and committed congregation of approximately 75 weekly attendees who are ready to support a new Senior Pasto....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Christian Church

02-20-2022    Full Time

Our pastor would have to be bivocational in that he would have to have a job besides his feeding the flock. At this point we pay $300 weekly for pastoral services. We have Sunday Bible study at 10am and regular services at 11am. The children leave to attend Sunday School during the 11:00 service. Then we have evening services at 6:00 pm. Then Wednes....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

10-12-2022    Part Time

Children and Family Pastor- Administrate / train all children's ministry volunteers to ensure that the ministry functions smoothly and with excellence.- Build relationships with Families and Parents in the Church- Create and conduct services for children (Grades 1-5) on Sunday mornings, during the worship services- Plan and Oversee Children's Events, in....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

Assembly of God

02-14-2022    Full Time

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