New Community Bible Fellowship - Job Openings

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The members of Greggton United Methodist Church are in search of a full-time person to lead youth (Grades 6th-12th) in living in and sharing the LIGHT of Christ. The ideal candidate will also serve in one of two other ministry capacities. These additional options are a digital ministry leader or contemporary worship leader. We are searching for a pers....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

United Methodist

02-23-2022    Full Time

Connections Meet with visitors and shepherd them through the connections process. Build and oversee Connections team and process, which supports visitors as they get involved in the church. This includes responding to inquiries and overseeing the automated connections process. Lead regular newcomers get-togethers and workshops to help visitors ta....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


10-16-2022    Full Time

New Community Bible Fellowship is a growing, multi-generational church that is making impact in Northeast Ohio and throughout the world. We have a membership of over 3000 people, with more than1000 people engaging our ministry on a week-to-week basis. We are touching people for Christ through our Sunday in person and live stream worship services, our nu....more

2000 - 5000

Worship Style:


01-25-2024    Full Time

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