Texas Academy 4 - Job Openings

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Qualifications for Pastoral Candidates -- Skills/Strengths DesiredCandidates should be:Outreach oriented, evangelistic, and burdened for soulsA teaching pastorAble to preach God's word authoritatively Able to give practical application to preachingAble to preach all Biblical principlesBalanced in approachVisionaryWilling to work together in unity with a....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Bible Church

05-26-2024    Full Time

Youth Director First United Methodist Church of Sarasota is seeking an energetic, enthusiastic, and faithful follower of Jesus Christ to serve as Youth Director who will connect students (6th- 12th grade) to the life and mission of the Church, help them grow spiritually, and teach them the Christian faith. This is a part-time position (20 hours). The....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

United Methodist

12-11-2023    Part Time

The Church Engagement Manager is responsible for recruiting new church partners to Academy 4 and working to maximize their participation and engagement in the program to the benefit of the church. The Church Engagement Manager will work closely with the program director, program managers, and the rest of the Academy 4 support team.....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


08-29-2022    Full Time

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