The Mission Church - Job Openings

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All Saints Children’s Ministry Director Do you love Jesus and love children? We have the role for you! Following the retirement of our previous Children’s Ministry director, we’re looking to recruit someone to a full-time role to lead this ministry. All Saints is a growing Anglican Church near Charlotte, combining Biblical preaching, reverent wor....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


03-14-2023    Full Time

We are seeking a Director of Youth and Adult Discipleship. The Director will carry out a ministry of teaching, leadership, and administration for the purpose of developing new and deeper disciples of Jesus Christ, specifically middle and high school youth, and adults. We anticipate at first that job responsibilities will be divided 80% youth/20% adults.....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

03-21-2024    Full Time

You will be responsible for: *Being an integral part of our church and its Leadership Team. *The "go to" person on Sunday mornings for all things Mission Kids. *Actively engaging before, after and between both Sunday services, with volunteers, parents and students. *You will be responsible to serve/work one service and attend/worship at the other serv....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


08-26-2022    Part Time

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