Pandora Missionary Church - Job Openings

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We are seeking to hire a full-time pastor that will serve alongside the elders and deacon board. The pastor shall be responsible for preaching, teaching, overseeing evangelistic efforts and provide leadership to equip and encourage the congregation for continued service in the Lord. Job Requirements: - Preach and teach the Word of God faithfully, c....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


11-07-2022    Full Time

Purpose: This position oversees ministries to children that are gospel-centered and make and equip children (and their parents) to be and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Duties and Responsibilities: 1. Leadership & Vision a. Promote and execute Village Seven Presbyterian Church's vision, mission, strategy, and growth initiatives b....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:

Presbyterian - PCA

03-25-2024    Full Time

Provides leadership and vision to program development, coordination, implementation of training and direction to staff and volunteers who are committed to shepherding children (7th-12th grade). Provides discipleship and teaching essentials for families. Passionate about helping teenagers become fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.A YOUTH PASTOR IS....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Missionary Church

08-02-2021    Part Time

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