New Beginnings Community Chhurch - Job Openings

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Looking for a person who aspires to be a worship leader and needs an environment that would allow him or her to develop and get more experience while actually doing the job. We are a small church but have a unique culture and very strong church family. Job would include leading worship, set organization, rehearsals and Sunday worship. We are an elder le....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Christian Church

08-22-2023    Part Time

JOB DESCRIPTIONSPONSORSHIP DIRECTORWATOTO CHILD CARE MINISTRIESHired By: US Executive Director Accountable To: US Executive Director and International Sponsorship DirectorQualifications: A follower of Jesus Christ, with a mature walk and consistent witness, maintaining a courteous and Christ-like attitude and outlook. Strong communication skills to int....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


10-26-2021    Full Time

New Beginnings Community Church5963 Sleepy Hollow RdRome, NY 13440SENIOR PASTORPOSITION DESCRIPTION I. Position Summary: The Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Community Church (NBCC) is responsible for the spiritual welfare, overall program, growth, and body life of the church consistent with the NBCC Constitution. The senior pastor provides spiritual ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-23-2024    Full Time

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