City Church - Job Openings

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Job DescriptionThe Assistant/Associate Pastor at Restoration promotes the vision of "exalting God, living restored, and declaring His restoration" to the congregation. The pastor is to be a servant leader to the congregation and an example of Jesus Christ. The pastor will uphold the ministry philosophy and values of the Restoration and develop ministrie....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

09-13-2022    Full Time

YOUTH MINISTER JOB DESCRIPTION 1. The Youth Minister's (YM) primary goals are to make disciples of the teens in Louisville Christian Church, and to reach out to area teens in evangelistic effort. He must be involved in ongoing personal and professional growth in order to be an effective spiritual leader to our teens. 2. The YM is under the direction ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Christian Church

06-02-2024    Full Time

When you ask us what we do at City Church, you won't just get a job description; you'll hear a story. We are passionate about using our talents for God's purposes and that's why we've dedicated our careers to a ministry, not just a job title. We have the privilege of leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. As we do, we strive to be r....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:


04-12-2022    Full Time

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