Calvary Christian Center - Job Openings

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Calvary Baptist Church in Idaho Falls, Idaho is seeking a full-time Worship Pastor who has a passion to lead people to glorify Jesus. Who is Calvary Baptist?Calvary Baptist was founded in 1951 by a small group of mission-minded believers who were responsible for planting several churches in Idaho. Calvary is a theologically conservative, multigenerati....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

02-28-2022    Full Time

Mitchell Community Church Full Time Youth Pastor Job Description We are seeking an experienced spiritual leader who is called to and desires to build young disciples (6th-12th grade primarily along with college age) of Christ through Biblical teaching, worship, discipleship, missions, and outreach. This individual must be personally pursuing a maturi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


04-18-2024    Full Time

Children and Family Pastor- Administrate / train all children's ministry volunteers to ensure that the ministry functions smoothly and with excellence.- Build relationships with Families and Parents in the Church- Create and conduct services for children (Grades 1-5) on Sunday mornings, during the worship services- Plan and Oversee Children's Events, in....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

Assembly of God

02-14-2022    Full Time

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