Park Ave Church - Job Openings

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Job SummaryThe Director is responsible for supporting the overall mission of making disciples of children from infants through 5th grade. The director is responsible for overseeing the discipleship of children through the Sunday ministry and supporting family discipleship in the home.Job Responsibilities - Coordinate with Ministry Assistant to establish....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified


08-11-2022    Full Time

1. Worship Leader Collaborate with Worship Committee to select all worship music for services and SHUMC programs/events** Participate in the weekly planning meetings with the Pastor and the Worship Committee and other relevant planning sessions as they may arise** Provide agreed upon music during all worship services and SHUMC programs/events Spread vit....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

United Methodist

08-05-2021    Part Time

The Park Avenue Contemporary Worship Leader will work with the Senior Pastor and others to fulfill the vision and culture of contemporary worship at Park Avenue Church. The Worship Leader will be expected to provide leadership and direction of the contemporary worship service and other special events. Additionally, he or she will work to ensure a cohes....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


12-04-2023    Full Time

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