CCPC - Job Openings

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The Director of Children Ministry will serve as a spiritual leader and shepherd and shall strive to integrate children and early teen ministry into the overall total church life. The Director will work as a part of the pastoral staff to coordinate the children ministry under the direction of the Pastor-in-Charge or his designate.General Responsibilities....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-03-2023    Full Time

Trinity Church of Lake Nona is seeking a Director of Ministry Operations (DMO). The DMO is a highly visible, strategic partner that supports the senior pastor and staff with effective decision-making, project management, and execution of strategic initiatives across all areas of the church. They will provide the organizational, administrative, a....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-21-2024    Full Time

This position is part time (20 hours/week) $24k per year Responsibilities: Develop and coordinate youth and children's programs: fun activities, regular meetings, Bible studies, VBS, service and mission opportunities, retreats Coordinate faith education (Sunday School) for children and youth to include obtaining volunteers and materials C....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

09-14-2021    Part Time

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