The Presbyterian Church of Coshocton - Job Openings

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Path of Grace UMC in Maplewood, Minnesota is seeking a director of discipleship. Thispositions equips the congregation to develop systems of Christian discipleship for peopleof all ages. This position is 35 hours per week (.875 FTE).Create discipleship pathways*Provide regular opportunities for visitors to become regulars and regulars to become committe....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

United Methodist

07-02-2024    Part Time

Full range of pastoral responsibilities: preaching, teaching, counseling, outreach. Encouraged to interact with other like-minded pastors/elders. We hold to a reformed theology. See supplemental information below.....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

09-19-2023    Full Time

APPLY HERE: the Senior Pastor:Coshocton Presbyterian Church is seeking a Senior Pastor who has a deep passion for the Lord, for the Bible, and views consistent with those of the Presbyterian Church USA. The Senior Pastor, as a minister of the Gospel, shall be devo....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified

08-31-2022    Full Time

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