Grace Community Church - Job Openings

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Principle Functions Responsible to the church for leading, developing, promoting, and implementing all music ministries of the church. Responsible to the church for directing the daily administrative responsibilities including giving leadership and direction to the music staff Qualifications Must be a practicing Christian who has accepted Jesus Ch....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


10-24-2023    Part Time

Looking for a person who aspires to be a worship leader and needs an environment that would allow him or her to develop and get more experience while actually doing the job. We are a small church but have a unique culture and very strong church family. Job would include leading worship, set organization, rehearsals and Sunday worship. We are an elder le....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Christian Church

08-22-2023    Part Time

Audio Technician Job DescriptionGrace Community ChurchArlington, VAGrace Community Church is seeking a part-time Audio Technician to work with the Director of Service Programming to create consistent and excellent audio for church services. Grace, a church for people who don't go to church, is currently meeting at TJ Middle School but is moving into a n....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


12-06-2022    Part Time

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