Trinity Church Wayzata - Job Openings

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Friendship Baptist ChurchChief of Staff Job AnnouncementThe Friendship Baptist Church (FBC) is the largest predominately African American church in North Orange County, California. FBC recently celebrated a legacy of 57 years in ministry and currently serves the needs of an active membership with over 2500 worshipers. Through the support of these active....more

1500 - 2000

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

08-02-2021    Full Time

Our congregation is seeking to fill the position of Lead Pastor with someone who is a Bible-centered teacher. With the support of our consistory, The Lead Pastor will connect our congregation with the Word and help foster relationships between a congregation that is spread between many surrounding communities. Greenleafton Reformed Church's search commi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


10-10-2022    Full Time

Trinity Church Wayzata is a new church spreading the gospel in the western suburbs of Minneapolis. One year ago, we were only about 30 people. Today we're just over 90. And, Lord willing, we'll continue to grow in 2024. We've reached our administrative capacity and we need to add someone to our team. Responsibilities:1. Utilization of Database Software ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


12-28-2023    Part Time

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