Chesapeake Church - Job Openings

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Grace UMC, Wilmington, NC is seeking a permanent part-time Director of Family Ministries (DFM) for immediate hire. GUMC is a thriving congregation with a long-standing reputation for its active children's and youth ministries programs. Grace's traditional services offer Nursery, Sunday School, and evening programs for children and youth, pre-K to 12th g....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified

United Methodist

01-10-2022    Part Time

The Director of Children's Ministries serves Jesus and the church by being responsible for the overall coordination and implementation of children's ministries (birth – 5th graders) at Cape Coral First. This is an hourly position (10-25 hours per week) and salary will be commensurate upon experience. Requirements: Prefer a bachelor's degree or some....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified

United Methodist

03-15-2022    Part Time

Chesapeake Church in Huntingtown, Maryland, is seeking a Senior Pastor to lead us in our mission to reach unchurched people and nurture them into fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. Our church adheres to Reformed Theology and Westminster Confession of Faith. We are looking for a passionate and experienced leader who can inspire spiritual growth, fo....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


07-19-2024    Full Time

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