Wabash Friends Church - Job Openings

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Looking for a solid ministry to expand through pouring your heart into lots of youth while becoming part of a supportive and loving church community? St. Paul Lutheran Church (NALC/LCMC) is a growing congregation looking for an experienced leader to build into our thriving youth ministry. The Director of Youth Ministry is a full time position responsibl....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-02-2023    Full Time

When you ask us what we do at City Church, you won't just get a job description; you'll hear a story. We are passionate about using our talents for God's purposes and that's why we've dedicated our careers to a ministry, not just a job title. We have the privilege of leading people to become fully devoted followers of Christ. As we do, we strive to be r....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:


04-12-2022    Full Time

Children's Pastor (Full-Time)Info and Instructions:Friends Church is part of the Indiana Yearly Meeting of Friends Churches. To learn more aboutour faith and practices within Christ's church follow this link: http://www.iym.org/site/cpage.asp?sec_id=180010756&cpage_id=180033491Our church, in Wabash, Indiana, is located in northeastern Indiana approx....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified


08-13-2021    Full Time

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