Peace Church - Job Openings

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The Man A man who is passionately and completely in love with Jesus and His Word and is led by and exemplifies the fruit the Holy Spirit. (Gal 5:22,23) Has maturity in the faith and have served and ministered previously. A man who loves and serves his family and will exemplify loving and serving those whom God has called to minister and to be a shepherd....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

03-25-2023    Full Time

New Beginnings Community Church5963 Sleepy Hollow RdRome, NY 13440SENIOR PASTORPOSITION DESCRIPTION I. Position Summary: The Senior Pastor of New Beginnings Community Church (NBCC) is responsible for the spiritual welfare, overall program, growth, and body life of the church consistent with the NBCC Constitution. The senior pastor provides spiritual ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


06-23-2024    Full Time

Position to be filled: Lead Pastor of Peace Church A. Membership: 376 Average attendance: 83 B. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH 1. Originated in April 1883. German Evangelical Church. Later became Evangelical and Reformed, and in 1961, merged with the Congregational Church to become the United Church of Christ. In March, 1944, Peace Church voted to rem....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


07-30-2023    Full Time

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