Grace Life Baptist Church - Job Openings

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Develop and implement programs for young children, middle and high school youth.Develop and implement community and congregational mission work/outreach with middle school and high school youth.Foster relationships with Youth and Children through activities outside the church.Provide counseling for Youth and/or families when neededForm and organize a Ch....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

08-01-2023    Full Time

Youth Pastor Job Description Job Position Summary We are looking for a Christ-follower who will strive to make disciples through Youth Ministry we are a growing congregation with lots of opportunity. Responsibilities Pertaining to Youth Pastor Scope: Add vision, leadership, and authentic relationships into a ministry of students and volunteer....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Assembly of God

08-03-2022    Part Time

Grace Life Baptist Church is searching for a Christian individual to serve as our Student Minister. Experience in student ministry is preferred. The Student Minister will work closely and collaborate with other ministerial and pastoral staff. This is a full time position with competitive salary and excellent benefits. Please send resumes to jobs@yourgra....more

1000 - 1500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

08-31-2021    Full Time

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