Grace United Methodist Church - Job Openings

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We are looking for someone who would love leading and developing a team of volunteers that will in turn pour the love of Jesus into our early childhood, elementary, and preteen kids on a weekly basis. Great time management and organizational skills will make the job easier but the heart and soul of this position is someone who loves people and wants to ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


05-12-2022    Part Time

Redeemer Lutheran Church is excited to add a new Minister of Worship Arts to our Ministry Team. We have a thriving, growing congregation in the heart of the Spokane Valley. The Minister is responsible for worship, music, and arts in collaboration with the Redeemer ministry staff. The Minister works to plan, schedule, coordinate, and oversee all aspects ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


01-22-2023    Full Time

Grace UMC, Wilmington, NC is seeking a permanent part-time Director of Family Ministries (DFM) for immediate hire. GUMC is a thriving congregation with a long-standing reputation for its active children's and youth ministries programs. Grace's traditional services offer Nursery, Sunday School, and evening programs for children and youth, pre-K to 12th g....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified

United Methodist

01-10-2022    Part Time

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