Christian Assembly Church - Job Openings

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YOUTH DIRECTOR SEARCH Job Title: Youth Director at Burry's Church, a non-denominational Evangelical/ Reformed Church in Rochester, PA. Overview: Engage youth and their families to be a vibrant part of the church life Lead youth gatherings, teach Bible-based lessons, plan games and activities Serve alongside staff and volunteers Compensatio....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


07-21-2021    Full Time

Director of Children's and Youth MinistriesFirst Presbyterian ChurchGainesville, FloridaJOB DESCRIPTION:The primary goal of this position is to provide ongoing, innovative and adaptive opportunities for the children and youth of First Presbyterian Church to develop, grow, engage and thrive in their faith. This position serves as the primary outreach to....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

04-12-2023    Full Time

WORSHIP SERVICE PRODUCER | 40 HOURS A WEEKMy Win:I know I am winning when I am helping advance the mission of Christian Assembly in leading people to complete commitment to Christ by producing the weekend services under the direction of the Worship Pastors and Production TeamMy Main Responsibilities:- Serve the Worship Pastors and production team with p....more

2000 - 5000

Worship Style:

Four Square

11-11-2021    Full Time

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