St. Johns Burrys Church - Job Openings

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Looking to disciple and mentor the next generation of Christ followers! Easton Baptist Church has the job for you and it has an AMAZING compensation perk. A NEWLY renovated rent free 3-bedroom house with appliances and all utilities included; PLUS hourly rate for 20 hours worked.We are seeking an engaging, passionate, and collaborative individual for t....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

04-10-2024    Part Time

MINISTRY ASSISTANT FOR CONNECTION: Retirement community church seeks pastoral assistant to engage the congregation in meaningful ministry; and to plan and implement a welcome process that will connect, track, engage, and assimilate visitors into the church. Sundays, Mondays, and some Saturdays are required. Other hours somewhat flexible to support ac....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

United Methodist

02-08-2024    Full Time

YOUTH DIRECTOR SEARCH Job Title: Youth Director at Burry's Church, a non-denominational Evangelical/ Reformed Church in Rochester, PA. Overview: Engage youth and their families to be a vibrant part of the church life Lead youth gatherings, teach Bible-based lessons, plan games and activities Serve alongside staff and volunteers Compensatio....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


07-21-2021    Full Time

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