Celebration Community Church - Job Openings

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First Presbyterian Church of La Grange, located in the near west suburbs of Chicago, is receiving applications for a full- time Director of Christian Education to coordinate learning programs for an intergenerational congregation of the Presbytery of Chicago, PC(USA). Interested candidates should email resumes to the Pastor, Jonathan Krogh at Jkrogh@fpc....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

07-20-2021    Full Time

The Open Door, PC (USA), Pittsburgh is seeking a Part-Time Director of Children and Youth Ministries. We are looking for an enthusiastic, humble individual to help children from preschool-age through high school learn to walk in the way of Jesus. We are a congregation of approximately 70 members attending worship on Sunday morning and approximately 5-10....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

05-14-2024    Part Time

We are seeking a Worship and Tech Director for our Colby, KS campus (150-250 weekly attendance).This is a FULL-TIME position.This individual will lead the planning and oversight of contemporary/modern worship team and tech ministry.Our Colby campus has a number of talented musicians to aid in leading who are proficient in guitar, drums, bass, and vocals....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-11-2022    Full Time

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