Bethel Baptist Church - Job Openings

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YOUTH DIRECTOR SEARCH Job Title: Youth Director at Burry's Church, a non-denominational Evangelical/ Reformed Church in Rochester, PA. Overview: Engage youth and their families to be a vibrant part of the church life Lead youth gatherings, teach Bible-based lessons, plan games and activities Serve alongside staff and volunteers Compensatio....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


07-21-2021    Full Time

DIRECTOR OF MUSIC AND WORSHIP Job Description New Life Presbyterian Church is seeking a part-time position. This will be a wonderful opportunity for the right candidate. New Life is associated with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church ( and is located in Salem, Virginia. Salem is home to Roanoke College and nearby is Hollins University an....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

11-11-2023    Part Time

Purpose & RoleBethel Baptist Church in Graham, NC seeks to fill a full-time position responsible for overseeing all aspects of student ministries. The candidate will be responsible for both middle and high school programs (Grade 6-12). While the role of the youth pastor is multi-faceted, the mission is always the same: to introduce the youth of Grah....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

10-29-2021    Full Time

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