abundant church - Job Openings

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YOUTH MINISTER JOB DESCRIPTION 1. The Youth Minister's (YM) primary goals are to make disciples of the teens in Louisville Christian Church, and to reach out to area teens in evangelistic effort. He must be involved in ongoing personal and professional growth in order to be an effective spiritual leader to our teens. 2. The YM is under the direction ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Christian Church

06-02-2024    Full Time

Provides leadership and vision to program development, coordination, implementation of training and direction to staff and volunteers who are committed to shepherding children (7th-12th grade). Provides discipleship and teaching essentials for families. Passionate about helping teenagers become fully committed followers of Jesus Christ.A YOUTH PASTOR IS....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Missionary Church

08-02-2021    Part Time

Purpose of the Job: To operate and upkeep the broadcast video system at abundant and serve as the director of live video experiences system-wide. To manage, oversee, train, and develop abundant's video staff and volunteer teams system-wide. Manage and oversee the operation of all video production equipment in distributed systems at s Experience ....more

over 5000

Worship Style:


01-18-2022    Full Time

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