The Intersection Church - Job Openings

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This position is full-time for up to 3 years, with further employment dependent upon funding. The Campus Pastor is a member of the Fish Interfaith Center staff, reporting to the Dean of the Chapel, and will work with Christian students on campus. They will bring passion and ability to deploy next generation worship events and ministry experiences. They ....more


Worship Style:


05-12-2023    Full Time

Eden Church Family Ministry Coordinator Job Description: Eden Church is seeking a Family Ministry Coordinator to meet the spiritual needs of families with children in our congregation. Eden Church is looking for a person of strong Christian faith and a passion for serving children and families to develop programs that are Christ-centered and based f....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


05-22-2024    Part Time

As a thriving church organization, The Intersection Church invests in leadership and expects to make an impact for God's Kingdom. Our Ministry Leaders are a vital part of our vision and development as a community and a family.Colossians 1:28 provides the impetus for our development of ministers: "Him we proclaim! Warning everyone and teaching everyone w....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


08-08-2023    Full Time

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