Capital City Church of God - Job Openings

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The Senior Pastor, as the team leader, will provide direction to the overall Ministry of the church. Duties would include - Facilitate the Deacons in setting spiritual direction and shepherding the congregation. - Casts and communicates a clear vision for the church with reasonable objectives. -Oversee the worship service and the educat....more

less than 100

Worship Style:
Not Specified

Baptist - Other

08-24-2023    Full Time

Youth Pastor Position Responsibilities: Passion for teaching and leading students Facilitate discipleship of 6th– 12th-grade students into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through weekly Bible teaching, events, retreats, and mission trips. o Teach well-prepared, relevant, biblical messages at weekly Middle and High ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


07-01-2021    Full Time

Purpose: This position oversees ministries to children that are gospel-centered and make and equip children (and their parents) to be and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Duties & Responsibilities1. Leadership & Vision a. Promote and execute Capital City Church's vision, mission, strategy, and growth initiatives b. Provide leadership to the Ch....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Church of God

05-02-2023    Full Time

Job Details

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