New Hanover United Methodist C - Job Openings

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About You - You have a deep love for the Lord that is evident to others. You bring excitement and enthusiasm to those you lead. You will cast and implement a vision to develop lifelong disciples of Jesus Christ, with the church serving as the complementary role to the family. You will oversee a discipleship plan from the nursery through the comple....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified

Baptist - American

08-15-2022    Full Time

SEEKING PASTOR—New Hope Baptist Church, is actively searching for their new Pastor, with a heart for youth, to lead our church into the future. New Hope is a family-oriented church located in a growing community of northern Rhode Island.  We are a multi-generational church with a weekly worship attendance of 60-70. Our loving, motivated, and compassiona....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

11-01-2023    Full Time

Job Title: Creative Moments DirectorPosition Summary: The Creative Moments Director manages the overall operations of the preschool and childcare center. The Director supervises and leads the Creative Moments staff, designs program plans, oversees daily activities, and prepares budgets. The Director is responsible for all aspects of the center's prog....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


07-07-2023    Full Time

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