The Rock of PCB - Job Openings

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A Technical Arts Associate is responsible for assisting the Director of Technical Arts & Media and the Production Manager with all audio, video, and lighting systems and the various production needs of WOL Ministries; and functions as a Campus Media Lead for one of the off-site campuses. This position is responsible for building and training teams t....more

over 5000

Worship Style:


08-24-2022    Full Time

The Director of Youth Ministry is responsible for the day-to-day direction, development and implementation of youth ministry programming in effort to help VMY student members grow in faith through consistent formative activities coupled with experiential learning events such as, Service on Saturday, Operation Overhaul and Marian Consecration. The Dire....more

less than 100

Worship Style:
Not Specified


12-09-2021    Full Time

The Rock of PCB is looking for a part time worship leader who can sing and lead worship on Sunday mornings. This person would be responsible for picking out the songs in conjunction with the elders of the church, along with helping prepare slides on ProPresenter for the Sunday service. Pay will be negotiated based on experience and musical capabilities.....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


01-13-2024    Part Time

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