Watoto Child Care Ministry Inc - Job Openings

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All Saints Children’s Ministry Director Do you love Jesus and love children? We have the role for you! Following the retirement of our previous Children’s Ministry director, we’re looking to recruit someone to a full-time role to lead this ministry. All Saints is a growing Anglican Church near Charlotte, combining Biblical preaching, reverent wor....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


03-14-2023    Full Time

First Presbyterian Church of La Grange, located in the near west suburbs of Chicago, is receiving applications for a full- time Director of Christian Education to coordinate learning programs for an intergenerational congregation of the Presbytery of Chicago, PC(USA). Interested candidates should email resumes to the Pastor, Jonathan Krogh at Jkrogh@fpc....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

07-20-2021    Full Time

JOB DESCRIPTIONSPONSORSHIP DIRECTORWATOTO CHILD CARE MINISTRIESHired By: US Executive Director Accountable To: US Executive Director and International Sponsorship DirectorQualifications: A follower of Jesus Christ, with a mature walk and consistent witness, maintaining a courteous and Christ-like attitude and outlook. Strong communication skills to int....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


10-26-2021    Full Time

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