Peachtree City UMC - Job Openings

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LifePoint Church, Front Royal, (Lead Pastor)Job Description: YOUTH & WORSHIP PASTORTo lead effective ministries designed to meet the spiritual, social and emotional needs of students 6-12 grade and lead the congregation in corporate worship. To oversee and lead a team of leaders and volunteers who will implement....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Assembly of God

02-05-2024    Full Time

The Church of Christ Uniting is a merged Presbyterian/Methodist Church (merged in 1972) is looking for a Pastor to replace our recently reassigned Methodist Pastor. In addition to the stated salary above, the Church provides a manse/parsonage, which is located two blocks from the Church. The house is a three bedroom ranch style house. The Church is lo....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

09-11-2023    Full Time

Peachtree City United Methodist Church is seeking a Part-Time Organist, to support a weekly 9:30AM Sunday Traditional Worship service. Working with the Music Director and Staff Pianist, responsibilities will include supporting congregational singing, accompanying the Chancel Choir and soloists, and supporting the worship service with appropriate musical....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:

United Methodist

09-19-2023    Part Time

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