Path of Grace UMC - Job Openings

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Full-time Children's Ministry Director wanted.The candidate will be responsible for the Children's Ministry (cM) which includes infants-5th grade (about 80 children). Trinity Christian Church of Greater Philadelphia ( is a bi-cultural church in suburban Philadelphia and welcomes candidates of all cultures. Candidate must have cM ex....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified


07-29-2022    Full Time

A dynamic Global Methodist Church is seeking a Director of Youth Ministry to join our team. The Director of Youth Ministry will minister to our youth & young adults to grow them into passionate disciples of Jesus Christ. We are pleasantly located in beautiful North Florida with many natural wonders and a short drive from major Florida destinations....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


12-06-2023    Full Time

Path of Grace UMC in Maplewood, Minnesota is seeking a director of discipleship. Thispositions equips the congregation to develop systems of Christian discipleship for peopleof all ages. This position is 35 hours per week (.875 FTE).Create discipleship pathways*Provide regular opportunities for visitors to become regulars and regulars to become committe....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

United Methodist

07-02-2024    Part Time

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