Antioch Church - Job Openings

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Position to be filled: Lead Pastor of Peace Church A. Membership: 376 Average attendance: 83 B. HISTORY OF THE CHURCH 1. Originated in April 1883. German Evangelical Church. Later became Evangelical and Reformed, and in 1961, merged with the Congregational Church to become the United Church of Christ. In March, 1944, Peace Church voted to rem....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


07-30-2023    Full Time

The Next Generation Minister of Brook Hollow Baptist Church is responsible for developing, leading, and implementing all aspects of the ministry to youth, college students, and young adults with the goal of helping the next generation to know God through a personal relationship with Christ, to grow in their faith, and to love God and others. Primary Res....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

04-01-2024    Full Time

Our Church: Antioch Church exists to be an instrument of God that spreads the hope, joy, and life found only in Jesus Christ. We seek to do this primarily through an emphasis on Bible-centered preaching and teaching, gospel-centered discipleship and community, and generous support for missions and local outreach. We are affiliated with the Evangelical F....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Evangelical Free

08-24-2023    Part Time

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