The Rock of PCB - Job Openings

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We believe God is leading us to a servant leader who desires to develop loving disciple-makers for His Kingdom. He speaks the Gospel clearly and lovingly with an aim toward making and maturing believers in Christ. His past leadership is evidenced by the identifying, developing, training, and equipping of Christ-like leaders. He communicates a clear visi....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


04-12-2023    Full Time

We are seeking a part time worship and praise team leader. This roll requires a man, 20-40 something, with the ability to sing, and play keyboard and/or guitar. Pay is based on musical and spiritual giftedness and your availability. Currently we need music leadership for Sunday mornings, but looking to do music Sunday evenings now that COVID-19 has die....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

06-24-2021    Part Time

The Rock of PCB is looking for a part time worship leader who can sing and lead worship on Sunday mornings. This person would be responsible for picking out the songs in conjunction with the elders of the church, along with helping prepare slides on ProPresenter for the Sunday service. Pay will be negotiated based on experience and musical capabilities.....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


01-13-2024    Part Time

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