First Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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Thomson First Methodist Church (a regional congregation of the Global Methodist Church located in Thomson, GA 20 miles west of Augusta, GA) is seeking a full-time pastor/director of student ministries. The successful candidate would preferably have a college degree in a related field and some years of experience. Commitment to historic, orthodox Christi....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


07-02-2024    Full Time

Our congregation is seeking to fill the position of Lead Pastor with someone who is a Bible-centered teacher. With the support of our consistory, The Lead Pastor will connect our congregation with the Word and help foster relationships between a congregation that is spread between many surrounding communities. Greenleafton Reformed Church's search commi....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


10-10-2022    Full Time

POSITION OBJECTIVE: Create and maintain an overall structure for sustainable ministry tochildren from birth through 5th grade that seeks to accomplish the church's vision of knowing Christ, following Christ, serving Christ, and integrating them into the church family at large.PRIMARY DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES:1. Work with the Our Children, Our Familie....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

10-25-2023    Part Time

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