Fellowship Baptist Church Markham, Canada - Job Openings

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First Presbyterian Church of Santa Clara in Santa Clara, CA, is seeking a Director of Outreach to plan, supervise, direct, and implement our community outreach per our Vision plan. We desire a person with a passion for people and for serving others. This is a full-time ministry position with specific work hours to be determined in coordination with the ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified

06-13-2023    Full Time

The Thorntown Christian Church is actively seeking a candidate to fill our Pastor position. We are a small church in a small town. By the Grace of Jesus Christ, we have been able to worship in this church for over 100 years. We hope to find someone who shares in our beliefs, traditions, and love of personally knowing the people that we worship with. We ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Christian Church

04-11-2024    Full Time

WHO WE ARE - A vibrant, culturally diverse, multi-generational and progressive church that has been serving the Greater Toronto Area for over forty years. Fellowship Baptist Church Markham (FBCM) seeks a Lead Pastor to shepherd its flock. Sitting on a hill in Markham, Ontario, FBCM is situated close to local schools, community centre, shopping plaza and....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

06-17-2021    Full Time

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