Hampton Bays United Methodist Church - Job Openings

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As the senior/lead pastor of TMBC you would be preaching our Sunday services and our Wednesday night services. You will oversee the monthly Deacons and Trustees meetings. Supervise the staff, associate pastor and all ministry leaders. Share with the associate pastor responsibility for home and hospital visits. Oversee church disputes and church decision....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

05-25-2023    Full Time

Christ Community Church is seeking a Senior Pastor that honors God and serves Christ and his church by personal example, the ministry of the Word, and leadership of the church, its staff, and its subsidiary organizations. You can find the job description and qualifications at: https://ccczion.org/about-us/candidates....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


01-10-2024    Full Time

Hampton Bays UMC is seeking to hire a Worship Director. This is a paid position. Looking for someone to lead worship every Sunday, and oversee all the music in the Church. Must have a heart for the Lord, and be able to do both contemporary and traditional worship. Looking to fill immediately. If interested, please email Pastor Kenny McQuiller - ken.mcq....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

United Methodist

07-28-2021    Part Time

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