Bloomingdale Friends Church - Job Openings

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General Job Description1. Description: The Senior Pastor will participate in the pastoral ministry to advance the Kingdom of God at FBC according to this job description. This pastor will expand and deepen the FBCT Mission of "Help any willing person reach his/her fullest potential to become radically Christ-like by accepting, loving, and training him....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:
Not Specified

Baptist - Other

10-09-2023    Full Time

Purpose of the Job: To operate and upkeep the broadcast video system at abundant and serve as the director of live video experiences system-wide. To manage, oversee, train, and develop abundant's video staff and volunteer teams system-wide. Manage and oversee the operation of all video production equipment in distributed systems at s Experience ....more

over 5000

Worship Style:


01-18-2022    Full Time

West-Central Indiana Quaker (Society of Friends) Church Seeking Pastor Pastor sought for loyal congregation in small rural town in Indiana's historic Parke County. 40 hours/week full-time position, with parsonage and benefits provided, is available immediately. Candidate preferred with BA/BS degree or comparable experience and Christ-center....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


08-10-2023    Full Time

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