Brewers Chapel Church - Job Openings

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Role: The role of the Worship Leader is to oversee the music ministry team of the church by developing, coordinating, and administering Spirit-led worship while providing leadership and supervision of the music programs and the technical staff and equipment. The role of the Youth Leader is to oversee the Jr/Sr High Youth ministry team through develo....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Church of God

12-10-2023    Full Time

Hempfield Church of Christ is looking for a God-called Christian pastor who can lead our church into the future with conviction, vision, and humility. An ideal candidate has experience leading other churches of our size, demographic makeup, and theological commitments. This candidate will also be an engaging, biblically faithful teacher who can relate t....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:


01-19-2022    Full Time

Part time pastor for a small independent church located in rural Tennessee near Nashville. The applicant will preach and teach the Word of God. He/she should possess a natural presence in the pulpit and offer sermons that are biblically sound. Willing to work with the committees of the church and help with church related activities are a must. Brewer....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


07-13-2023    Part Time

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