Woodmen Valley Chapel - Job Openings

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CONTEMPORARY MUSIC LEADERThe ideal candidate would be creative, patient, organized, accepting, encouraging and demonstrates familiarity with contemporary Christian worship music.The Contemporary Music Leader shall be responsible to the Session of the church through the Worship Committee and shall be supervised by the Pastor.Position ResponsibilitiesAcce....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

12-13-2021    Part Time

The Church of Christ Uniting is a merged Presbyterian/Methodist Church (merged in 1972) is looking for a Pastor to replace our recently reassigned Methodist Pastor. In addition to the stated salary above, the Church provides a manse/parsonage, which is located two blocks from the Church. The house is a three bedroom ranch style house. The Church is lo....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

09-11-2023    Full Time

Position Title: Woodmen Kids Coordinator Hours/week: 40+ (Full-time) Reports To: Woodmen Kids Senior Director Classification: Salaried/exempt Pay Range: $33,300 - $36,000 (hourly equivalent: $16.01 - $17.31) Benefits: Individual medical/dental/vision/life insurance options; eligible to participate in HSA and 403(b); vacation/personal/sick time T....more

over 5000

Worship Style:


11-03-2021    Full Time

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