Tucson Mt. Baptist Church - Job Openings

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The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd is seeking...Communications Assistant for Live Stream EngagementWho We Are: Good Shepherd is a vibrant, growing parish in the Episcopal Diocese of Lexington, KY. We are committed to spreading the love of God in word and deed. Our parish theme is Love is all, and our aim is to live out the love-ethic of Jesus as ....more

750 - 1000

Worship Style:


04-05-2024    Part Time

The Park Avenue Contemporary Worship Leader will work with the Senior Pastor and others to fulfill the vision and culture of contemporary worship at Park Avenue Church. The Worship Leader will be expected to provide leadership and direction of the contemporary worship service and other special events. Additionally, he or she will work to ensure a cohes....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


12-04-2023    Full Time

As the senior/lead pastor of TMBC you would be preaching our Sunday services and our Wednesday night services. You will oversee the monthly Deacons and Trustees meetings. Supervise the staff, associate pastor and all ministry leaders. Share with the associate pastor responsibility for home and hospital visits. Oversee church disputes and church decision....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

05-25-2023    Full Time

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