Evangelical Church of Peace - Job Openings

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Go to website at https://grace-hill.org/ to see full job description and to learn more about Grace Hill Church. Spiritual Qualifications—The Lead Pastor will be/have: 1. A person of faith who confesses Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. 2. A devoted follower of Jesus whose life reflects the fruit of the Spirit and who desires to keep in step with t....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

07-27-2024    Full Time

Davisville Church is seeking a Children's Director to influence children and families to fully follow Jesus. We have a strong history of successful and meaningful ministry in our area. The director will become part of a fun, loving, and committed team of employees that strive to make disciples in our community. The job requires a humble heart, teachable....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


02-10-2022    Full Time

Evangelical Church of Peace, a rural church with primitive facilities and 138-yr history seeks bi-vocational male pastor. The church's address is 3272 County Road 249, Brownsville, MN; mail is received at PO Box 104, Brownsville, MN 55919. We are a Christian Community Church, with members from Lutheran, Catholic, Evangelical Free, Baptist, United Chur....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


08-23-2023    Part Time

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