Waymark Church / FBC Monett - Job Openings

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Beloit First Christian Church is seeking the man of God's calling as our full-time Associate Pastor of Youth and Adult Discipleship. We are looking for someone who loves God and people and is able to connect with, students (grades 7 – 12), parents, and other adults to make and grow disciples for Jesus Christ.The Associate Pastor of Youth & Adult Dis....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:
Not Specified


05-18-2024    Full Time

New Beginnings Fellowship of Minneapolis, Kansas is seeking to fill the position of pastor/church planter. After a tornado struck the church in 2022 and the former pastor leaving later that year, the church has declined in attendance. However, the building has been completely restored and the faith and vision of the congregation is stronger than ever. A....more

less than 100

Worship Style:


02-28-2024    Part Time

In Search of Full Time Associate / Student Pastor with well established ministry Waymark Church, Monett Missouri Waymark Church, (formerly known as First Baptist Church in Monett, Missouri) is seeking God's candidate to lead our powerful and well-established student ministry. Our previous student pastor built an amazing ministry here, but has been ca....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

12-09-2021    Full Time

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