First Church of Christ - Job Openings

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Conduct religious worship and deliver sermons. Teach Bible to church members. Provide spiritual and moral guidance and assistance to church members. Administer religious rites and conduct special ceremonies. The Immanuel Korean Church of Louisville, Inc. 9615 Blue Lick Rd., Louisville, KY 40229.....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


04-13-2022    Full Time

The First Baptist Church of Mt. Holly, located in Eastampton, New Jersey is prayerfully seeking a Senior Pastor. The church, which stands on the Word of God, is located in a suburban setting on 12.5 acres. We are blessed to serve in a diverse, multi-cultural and intergenerational community that includes neighboring small towns and cities, local farms ....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

11-13-2023    Full Time

Lead PastorFirst Church of Christ, in Altoona, PA is seeking a lead minister/pastoral elder. First Church of Christ is an elder led church with a focus on teaching, preaching, connections, care, and evangelism. About First Church of Christ Purpose and Missiono The First Church of Christ is a self-governing, nondenominational New Testament church. Our ....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:


05-02-2024    Full Time

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