McCabe Memorial Baptist Church - Job Openings

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JOB DESCRIPTIONSPONSORSHIP DIRECTORWATOTO CHILD CARE MINISTRIESHired By: US Executive Director Accountable To: US Executive Director and International Sponsorship DirectorQualifications: A follower of Jesus Christ, with a mature walk and consistent witness, maintaining a courteous and Christ-like attitude and outlook. Strong communication skills to int....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


10-26-2021    Full Time

Conduct religious worship and deliver sermons. Teach Bible to members. Train members to be short-term missionaries. Provide spiritual and moral guidance and assistance to members. Administer religious rites and conduct special ceremonies. Silkroad Mission. 970 N. Virgil Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90029....more


Worship Style:
Not Specified


04-13-2022    Full Time

McCabe Memorial Baptist Church is located in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, serving the Martinsville- Henry County, Va area. Our current pastor is retiring after serving our congregation for 11 years. Our church has an average weekly attendance of 80 attendees in-person, with Sunday Worship Services live streamed for community outreach. The....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Baptist - SBC

10-08-2023    Full Time

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