Severna Park Evangelical Presbyterian Church - Job Openings

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Outpost Pastor Job Description Is responsible for working on and developing content for message series with the Senior Pastor Is responsible for providing leadership and connecting at their Outpost Is responsible for leading the Outpost and using our Central Team as described in the Playbook Staff Relationship Accountable to the Executive....more

over 5000

Worship Style:


04-24-2024    Full Time

Job Overview: McMicken Heights Baptist Church, located in a changing suburb south of Seattle, is looking for a pastor who will develop and implement a vision to reach and make disciples in our multi-ethnic region. The prospect of leading a small congregation to reach its community and world for Christ must energize him. His strong communication skills,....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - Other

09-23-2021    Full Time

Purpose: The Director for Youth Ministry is generally responsible for leading and directing the church's ministry to High School and Middle School students. This ministry should provide an atmosphere that is conducive for students to come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ, to grow toward maturity as followers of Christ, and to use their gifts in ministr....more

250 - 500

Worship Style:

Presbyterian - PCA

07-23-2024    Full Time

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