First Baptist Church of Plains KS - Job Openings

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Audio Technician Job DescriptionGrace Community ChurchArlington, VAGrace Community Church is seeking a part-time Audio Technician to work with the Director of Service Programming to create consistent and excellent audio for church services. Grace, a church for people who don't go to church, is currently meeting at TJ Middle School but is moving into a n....more

500 - 750

Worship Style:


12-06-2022    Part Time

With great anticipation, San Ramon Presbyterian Church and Christ Community Church (Nazarene) are seeking a full-time Director of Worship. Our congregations meet on Sunday morning at 9 & 11AM respectively.Though separate churches, we share a common belief that worship should be a celebration of God's saving grace in Jesus Christ. Our desire is for o....more

100 - 250

Worship Style:

02-16-2023    Full Time

We are seeking a bi-vocational or part time pastor with a paid salary working on average about 20 hours per week. We desire a pastor to prepare and deliver Bible based sermons, lead in the observance of ordinances, and help plan and co-ordinate Sunday services. We seek a pastor that will add new growth to the membership and will help enable and equip ....more

less than 100

Worship Style:

Baptist - American

01-22-2024    Part Time

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